SaveMe Oh

Few in virtual space have had the accidental vision or unintended clarity about 21st century new media that SaveMe Oh regularly stumbles upon. With her echolalic mantra “ME ME ME” as deafening as it is repetitive and one-note, she provokes, indeed demands, a consideration of coping mechanisms in the century of new media pollution. If not its Banksy, then she surely is the virtual world’s Chauncey Gardiner.
If one seeks an artistic vision that has the power to “stun”the viewer one need search no further than the machinima of SaveMe Oh. In many ways her work truly exemplifies avant-garde machinima’s unconventional nature.
SaveMe Oh is Hot. SaveMe Oh is a walking manifesto. She’s a liberating concept that is becoming a movement. SaveMe Oh is an advocate for freedom of speech and an essential player in making sure that virtual art is taken seriously as a cutting edge art form. If we are sincerely more concerned about ART than about our own egos (and alter egos) then we should embrace her challenge as our own.
 All Save-time, Save-matter, and Save-energy, including her system, her stars and galaxies, her contents of intersaved space, regarded as a whole.

© 2025 SPAMM (SuPer Art Modern Museum)

Dev Telmat