Video Inedito, this is a study on the domestic environment, the monotony of everyday life and slavery conditioned by the artifice of time.
Video Inedito, este es un estudio sobre el entorno doméstico, la monotonía cotidiana y la esclavitud condicionada por el artificio del tiempo.
The time study was conducted in 2016
Since 2003 I have been developing a work, under the approach of video art practices conceived from the « find » of the « found material », pre-existing archive material from another source that comes from flea markets, Trash, personal collections, finds in sites of the most diverse. My videos arise from the need to reinvent it in a discursive sense that progresses from the aesthetic seduction of the moving image presented by the cinema, television or any other type of audiovisual archive found on the internet, finally generated a speech defined by me Look at the potential file. Acquiring attributes of a reconstructed aesthetic. These materials come from my data bank, my digital files, from the most diverse sources: home videos, fiction films and documentaries, web archives, commercials, fragments of television programming, pornographic materials, films of family rituals, etc. All of the above, expressed in my video work, is defined by a technical post-production term used in the world of television, film and video and designates the set of processes and software applied to an audiovisual material: assembly , The inclusion of other visual or sound sources, textures, subtitling, voices off and special effects turning the artwork into a technical image of Video.
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